Golang Modules (yeah! madules, go mad)

This is one of things i am starting to hate about in Golang, the documentation is too long and boring. I had not problems using it go modules until i had to understand the contents of go.mod files, specially the indirect dependencies.

I am on version go1.17.7 and go modules was introduced in go1.11, so it is been while, but i still think the tooling to find dependencies (deep dependencies) are still confusing, i admit, probably it is my lack of understanding but at the same time i wonder why it is hard.

I blame the documentation and the migration and compability of dependencies that are not opted to go modules. I think i need to work through and example to get a good understanding on the topic.

But, while i try to learn more. I found this article quite crisp on the most of the topics on go modules tidbits ``