Trouble with pytest.mark.skipif mark decorator

The description on pytest skipif documentation states this,

pytest.mark.skipif(condition, *, reason=None)
condition (bool or str) – True/False if the condition should be skipped or a condition string.

reason (str) – Reason why the test function is being skipped.

This expects a boolean or str value, here we can ignore the str condition as they are not typically used now, because it uses eval to evaluate the str condition it can be useful and risky at the same time.

What it means by bool? I understand this must an expression that returns a bool at the evaluation of skipif marker.

When is the skipif marker evaluated? This happens during the collection phase, i.e, almost close to import time and at this time it doesn’t have access to fixtures or we can say the fixtures are evaluated in later stage which means we can’t use pytest arguments to turn off the tests.

For example,

import pytest
import os

def pytest_addoption(parser):
        help="Skip slow tests"

@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def skip(request):
    if request.config.getoption('--skip-slow'):
        os.environ['SKIP_SLOW'] = "1"
        print("Skip slow  is set to True")
    os.environ['SKIP_SLOW'] = "0"

and the a test module,

import pytest
import os

def is_skip_slow_set():
    print("Checking for skip slow")
    value = os.environ.get('SKIP_SLOW') == "1"
    print(f"Checking for skip slow = {value}")

# Wont work, is_skip_slow_set() condition evaluates at collection and at
# that point os.environ is not set.
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_skip_slow_set(), reason="--skip-slow is set in args")
def test_skip_if_slow_set_in_pytest_args():
    assert True

def test_quick():
    # some slow test code here
    assert True

Here the test wont be skipped even if we invoke with –skip-slow argument,

pytest --skip-slow -rs -v

The reason is is_skip_slow_set is evaluated at collection time and the session scoped fixture even the ones with autouse are not executed resulting in SKIP_SLOW not being set and finally the condition is set to False therefore the test is not skipped as i wanted.

Now, if i use skipif marker like the one below,

@pytest.mark.skipif(is_skip_slow_set, reason="--skip-slow is set in args")

Will it skip? This wouldn’t call is_skip_slow_set, why? because it is the reference to reference to the function which is pythonic True so the test would be skipped independent of the –skip-slow flag with is incorrect and confusing. Beware of this pitfall.

Lesson is that, skipif needs an bool condition and that is evaluated at the import/collection time only way is to use the is_skip_slow_set() which is also limiting as we can’t use the values from fixtures like Config. For this to work as intended the the environment variable must to set outside the pytest invocation which defeats the purpose of the pytest argument.

The cleaner solution is to use of the pytest_collection_modifyitems,

The corrected would be,

import pytest
import os

def pytest_addoption(parser):
        help="Skip slow tests"

def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
    for item in items:
        if "slow" in item.keywords and config.getoption("--skip-slow"):
            item.add_marker(pytest.mark.skip(reason="skipping slow test run"))

And the test module with skip containing slow marker,

import pytest
import os

def test_skip_if_slow_set_in_pytest_args():
    assert True

def test_quick():
    # some slow test code here
    assert True

and it is clean and works.