Fixing Repeating Keys on Your Logitech Ergo Keyboard in Ubuntu

Lately, I was annoyed with the repeating keys when i write, for example if i intend to write, ‘hello’ my keyboard would write ‘hellllllloooo’. I was thinking that it is temporary glitch due to Bluetooth disturbance or lower battery or Power setting.

I was so annoyed and tried out all the things that came into mind but the problem wouldn’t disappear. Finally, after some googling end up in a solution.

The problem is that my “Settings->Accessibility-> Repeat Keys and Delay” has changed inadvertendly, i can’t figure out how but i don’t remember changing it.

I hope there is version of entire system configuration in repository, i guess there must be something that would have been easier. But, that could be activity for the future.

So, here is the outline of the solution.

Adjust “Repeat Keys and Delay” Settings

Fine-tune the “Repeat Keys and Delay” settings in Ubuntu:

  • Click on the Ubuntu settings icon in the top-right corner.
  • Go to “Accessibility.”
  • Under “Typing,” find the “Repeat Keys and Delay” settings.
  • Use the “Delay” and “Speed” sliders to customize key repetition. Increase “Delay” for fewer repeats and adjust “Speed” to match your typing speed.
  • Test your keyboard to ensure the issue is resolved.

Bluetooth Driver Updates

Update your Bluetooth drivers:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-tools

Power settings

Sometimes, enabling low power mode in settings could also affect so be sure to check that it the problem persists. Also ensure the battery in the keyboard is good enough.

If these didn’t help, then go googling.