Steve Jobs famously said; “Real artists ship”. He was referring to the fact that everyone has ideas, but real artists deliver on them or ship them, as he put it.

I think myself being creative, experimental, dreamer and what not, but i always had tough time putting things better and delivering things as i imagined. What I Get Is Not What I Want (WIGINWIW).

I had made quite many attempts to create and maintain a blog, have tried blogger, gh-pages, wordpress, google sites (from google drive), what not and as always either I didn’t like the process of writing or the tools or the combination of two. I was looking for something similar to github pages where it is possible to write using Markdown and still looks neat and this time my search ended up to use (gh-pages) with Jekyll (static site generator) and beautiful-jekyll theme

Finally I managed to put this webpage on Neat thing about it - powered by Jekyll and I can use Markdown to author my posts. It actually is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.