Helm lessons

Helm being the defacto package manager for kubernetes, you like it not or you will end up using it. I have nothing against it but sometimes helm deceives you, I keep those issues that i faced for my reference here.


helm install (Error: grpc: received message larger than max (31775705 vs. 20971520)?

The helm install command failed with the above message, but could not figure out easily. My chart are using Files and it seems some garbage file was under the chart folder which is obviously bigger than limit. Removing the file made it to work.

helm –debug/dry-run ?

Noticed the output that debug prints when running with dry-run is not the same as what happens with the real run. I don’t remember exactly and don’t have an example now. But watch out

helm –debug with –wait?

No debug output on timeout.

Why helm –wait is not waiting for the deployment?

The helm install document states the command will wait until the timeout for pods, pvcs, service and the minimum number of pods of the deployment to be ready.

But that is not what is happening in my case, why it did not wait?

The helm check for the ready replicas against the minumum number of available pods

  func (c *Client) deploymentsReady(deployments []deployment) bool {
	for _, v := range deployments {
		if !(v.replicaSets.Status.ReadyReplicas >= *v.deployment.Spec.Replicas-deploymentutil.MaxUnavailable(*v.deployment)) {
			c.Log("Deployment is not ready: %s/%s", v.deployment.GetNamespace(), v.deployment.GetName())
			return false
	return true

For my case, status.Ready.replicas=0 and spec.replicas=1 , maxUnavailable=1, so the code return true and helm was not waiting for the deployment.

After changing the change the upgradeStrategy, maxUnavailable = 0 it worked, but i assumed this is used only during the upgrade case. Seem like a bug to me but i haven’t check the bugtracker.

helm upgrade –resue-values | new-values?

I will expand it later, but probably it some misunderstanding the i have on how the helm computes the new values( also notice with –dry-run sometimes you don’t get what will happen)

Also beware of nested yaml values, and setting of null values.

helm error diagnostic messages are not so obvious?

The following are list of issues that i encountoured, lately I after an upgrade of the kubernetes version, i was not to able to connect to tiller.

    kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep tiller

The command above showed that the tiller is still running, But why i wasn’t not able to connect to the server.

Attempted a reinstall of the helm client/tiller components,

    rm -rf ~/.helm
    helm init --upgrade ( the default namespace is kube-system only)

It was complaining about cannot install into empty namespace, I couldn’t guess the issue, installing into empty namespace but should this be kube-system and also a read a note somewhere saying TILLER_NAMESPACE and it seems to be the problem for my case. I had an empty value for this parameter and that was causing the issue.

Could have been obvious if it had siad the tiller namespace is not valid?

helm and jfrog helm-local repositories

I was very confused when the helm dep up command was complaining that it was not able to download charts listed in the requirements using the “local” scheme. I doubled checked and no wasn’t using “file://” scheme and also cleaned up the repository caches.

helm env

Still, I saw the same error, where as the scheme “local” comes.

I tried searching for the chart in the repo, i could find it but helm dep kept failing.

I checked the helm code and didn’t see any obvious redirect or change in the scheme, as am sure that i had the repository added in my local repository list.

I ran a helm fetch for that chart, and now i got the same error “local” scheme not supported. But where is this is coming from, tell me “HELLm”.

Started googling around, then got a hint about JFrog artifactory behaviour, for local repositories. The redirects are not supported for local repository. https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Helm+Chart+Repositories

So this could be my case. I shouldn’t be using the local artifactory repos and then changed the repo to using my local charts.